Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Drive and Diss Poll Madness! Alert: What Has Carmelo Learned from his Arrest?

Hey kids, it's time for another Drive and Diss Poll Madness! alert. Now is your time to let us know what you think Carmelo Anthony has learned from his DUI arrest. Good luck! And while most blogs would post a picture of 'Melo's mugshot, Drive and Diss is taking another route and posting a picture of 'Melo and his fiancee, former MTV VJay Lala. Did you know there were reports she refused to pick him up at the police station after his arrest? She denies it, but it's more fun to believe otherwise. Oh, and check out that shirt. Jordan must be so proud. We have one just like it, but with a picture of former NBA center Jim McIlvaine. (Currently sold out.)


Eric and James said...

I love Jim McIlvaine

Anonymous said...

Jim "Not so SuperSonic" McIlvaine? I can't believe Seattle paid 5 million for this guy!! The SuperSonics had a great group of players before this buster came aboard with Gary Payton, Shawn Kemp,Hersey Hawkins and another small forward Detlef Schrempf. I have no love for this dude.

Eric and James said...

Gehri, you will be the first person we contact when we get our next shipment of McIlvaine shirts.