Everyone's favorite draft bust was booked over the weekend in Georgia for disorderly conduct and interfering with a police officer after his cousin was charged with drunken driving. (He should have resisted arrest as well to go for the misdemeanor trifecta.) You know, there was a time we had some sympathy for Kwame. Half of Drive and Diss lives and dies with the Washington Wizards. We held out high hopes when he was drafted and felt bad about the incessant tongue lashings Kwame got from an over-the-hill Michael Jordan trying to recapture his glory days. However, we came to realize that Kwame simply did not have what it takes. He would have one explosive game where he would dominate on both ends of the court followed by 50 games where he would disappear. The Kwame Brown era was a dark chapter for the illustrious Wizards franchise. Fortunately it ended with the arrival of the shining light of Gilbert Arenas.
Below is Kwame in a pose we are all very familiar with: getting hurt. Kwame's other most recognizable pose has him dropping a pass in the post therby blowing a wide open layup. Did you know there is an active web site called kwamebrownsucks.com? We didn't either. We tip our hats to the industrial folks behind that site.